American PRIDE!

In honor of LGBT Pride Month, a single question about the Flag: Long May She Wave!  Text: uscitizenpod |  Video: Lori Saltis

Take the full quiz:

LOVE AND PRIDE: A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of LGBT Pride Month (10 questions)

Ten Resources to go (Plus one--so many more explore!)
Center for Civic Education: 60 Second Civics LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series
  • Part 1: What’s Significant About the Stonewall Riots? 
  • Part 2: Laying the Groundwork for LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Part 3: Goodridge: The Cinderella Moment for Marriage Equality
  • Part 4: Early Legislative Victories for LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Part 5: The Defense of Marriage Act
  • Part 6: Obergefell v. Hodges
  • Part 7: The Future for LGBTQ+ Rights

Library of Congress (LOC)


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