Thursday, June 6, 2019

Last Day of School, Spring 2019, Milpitas Adult School

I was recently hospitalized due to complications from the pneumonia. I will be unable to come to the Last Day festivities, but I would like to invite the Milpitas Adult School Citizenship to a party at my home. During the summer, I will also host weekly "open houses" so that students can come and practice for their citizenship interviews. For more details, contact me at

During the summer, please come back to for more Citizenship practice.   Some of our more important resources:

This summer, I will be preparing Census 2020 classroom materials (similar to the Mix-and Match interviews)

Also use these following resources

1. Install the USCIS civics app on your phone from the Google Play or the App Store. Search “USCIS civics test” and make sure USCIS is the developer. (HINT: look for the TORCH from the Statue of Liberty)

2. Watch every video from Preparing for the Oath It is easier to do this on a computer that can use Flash.

3. Study Citizenship and English at

4. Check with your local Library or Adult School for free Citizenship forms, info, and classes.

5. Watch Citizenship videos on uscitizenpod's YouTube channel

Thank you so much for your patience.  Please pray for my recovery and my Citizenship students' success!

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