Tuesday, April 30, 2019

U.S. Citizenship Class 29, Spring 2019, Milpitas Adult School

TED-ED: A 3-minute guide to the Bill of Rights - Belinda Stutzman

Daily, Americans exercise their rights secured by the Constitution. The most widely discussed and debated part of the Constitution is known as the Bill of Rights. Belinda Stutzman provides a refresher course on exactly what the first ten amendments grant each and every American citizen.

Civics (6:30-7:30 choral reading(7:30-7:45 break)
Integration (7:45-8:45)
  • A Quick Review of the Bill of Rights and the N-400 Part 12 plus Civics Questions mp3 and pdf and video (2017)

Monday, April 29, 2019

US Bureau of Engraving and Printing Will Exchange Your Damaged Money

USCIS: 100:41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. 
What is one power of the federal government?

VOANews: US Bureau of Engraving and Printing Will Exchange Your Damaged Money

Damaged money — burned, drenched or even shredded into pieces — can be legally exchanged at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The main condition is that more than 50 percent of the banknote should be identifiable as U.S. currency. Lesia Bakalets talked with Treasury Department experts and learned more about their unusual work. Anna Rice narrates her story.

USCIS: 100:41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
 ▪ to print money
 ▪ to declare war
 ▪ to create an army
 ▪ to make treaties

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Teaching With YouTube

Teaching with YouTube: Build Playlists to Deliver Curated Content
#CCAE19 #AdultEdu #ESL #ABE #DigitialLiteracy #YouTube #edtech

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mining for Diamonds: US Citizenship

Mining for Diamonds: US Citizenship
#CCAE19 #AdultEdu #Citizenship #civics #ESL #edtech

Friday, April 26, 2019

EdTech for EL Civics and Citizenship

CCAE19: EdTech for EL Civics and Citizenship
#CCAE19 #AdultEdu #Citizenship #civics #ESL #WIOA #edtech @CASASsystems

Check back for notes or email jgagliar@musd.org 

Also see:

Thursday, April 25, 2019

U.S. Citizenship Class 28, Spring 2019, Milpitas Adult School

The Milpitas Adult School teacher celebrate #FreedomOfThePress with The Milpitas Beat

N-400 (5:45-6:30 Demo an interview in front of the class, then pair up students with different papers so they can interview each other)

Transition to Civics Lesson (6:30-7:00) hand out papers.  Allow students time to complete the N-400 matching first.  Correct and discuss, then move on to the Constitution Quiz).

Civics Lesson 1 (7:00 to 7:30 Choral reading, them complete quiz on the page before moving on.  Allow students to solve problems, then correct their answers)

The U.S. Constitution lesson plan and handouts for low intermediate and intermediate learners covering civics test items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 41, 42, 65, 66, 67, and 68.

Your Government and You lesson plan and handouts for literacy students and low beginners covering civics test items 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, and 94.

    Integration (7:45-8:45 Distribute and allow students to solve problems, then correct their answers))

    Tuesday, April 23, 2019

    U.S. Citizenship Class 27, Spring 2019, Milpitas Adult School

    New US Citizen Candy Tran!
    Civics (6:30-7:30 choral reading(7:30-7:45 break)
    Integration (7:45-8:45)
    • Fu-Chiu Chen: A Quick Interview for US Constitution and Citizenship Day pdf

    Monday, April 22, 2019

    Citizenship Resources for Earth Day

    uscitizenpod: Three quick Citizenship Questions in Honor of Earth Day

    uscitizenpod: 10 Citizenship Questions in Honor of Earth Day (pdf)

    More Earth Day, Arbor Day, and National Parks Weeks Resources

    uscitizenpod: GO GREEN with USPS Stamps

    In honor of Earth Day 2011 and in celebration of the new USPS GO GREEN Forever stamp series, US Citizenship Podcast presents a collection of stamps reflecting America's ongoing commitment to make EARTH DAY, EVERY DAY!

    Family Fun
    Check back for updates!

    Sunday, April 21, 2019

    A U.S. Citizenship Quiz for Easter

    uscitizenpod: A U.S. Citizenship Quiz for Easter 

    The 2018 quiz pairs ten citizenship questions with ten American Christians from the western Catholic and Protestant traditions:

    • Bartolomé de las Casas
    • Sojourner Truth
    • Aimee Semple McPherson
    • Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin
    • Bishop Fulton Sheen
    • Mother Angelica
    • Billy Graham
    • Huston Smith
    • Watchman Nee

    This quiz is a follow up to last year's quiz about American Christians from the Eastern Orthodox traditions.

    Later, dig deeper into the lives of these saints. For example, Bartolome de las Casas was once a slave owner himself, but changed. His failed mission in Puerto Rico compelled him to take holy orders as a Dominican friar. This change eventually led to his new job as the Bishop of Chiapas, Mexico where used his power to fight for civil rights. Reading his works today, it would be easy to imagine what he would say about the Black Lives Matter movement, Puerto Rico's economic woes, or the incresed militarization of U.S.-Mexico border. Download the bonus quiz pdf! http://traffic.libsyn.com/uscitizenpod/2018-easter.pdf

    Also see: Happy Pascha! A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of Eastern Orthodox Christian Americans http://goo.gl/YE8yR8

    U.S. Citizenship Resources for April: Taxes, Easter, Earth Day, and more! Come back for 2019 updates!


    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    Three Passover Haggadahs Celebrating our Immigrant Nation and a POP Quiz

    Lady Liberty Opening the gate to a immigrant Jewish family. Source.

    The United States is a Nation of Immigrants.  Each immigrant group brings it unique story.

    Passover (Pesach) is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the emancipation of the Jews from slavery in ancient Egypt.

    The Haggadah is a Jewish text that is read every year during the Passover meal (Seder).  

    Here are  three haggadahs which remember that the Jews were once refugees, too, and are obligated to seek justice for "the Stranger."

    ADL: This Passover, Think of the Modern Plagues / Next Year May We All Be Free
    As Jews celebrate freedom, let’s reflect on 10 modern plagues that still oppress so many—and identify actions we can take to help.

    ADL: We Were Strangers Too- A Haggadah Supplement for Your Passover Seder

    In this spirit of Passover, ADL — an organization founded by immigrants and children of immigrants, and dedicated to protecting the interests of religious and ethnic minorities — organized Nation of Immigrant Seders bringing together community members, families, and leaders from all corners of the world.  We joined together to recommit to our values of liberty and equality and to stand with immigrants and refugees across our country who face fear and bigotry every day.

    AWJS: Social Justice Haggadah and Passover Resources
    This year, put social justice on your Seder table. Use the AJWS Global Justice Haggadah to spark meaningful conversations at your Seder — and connect our shared story of liberation with people fighting for freedom around the world today.

    HIAS: Passover 2019: In Every Generation See Yourself As Though You Left Egypt
    Explore the connections between the ancient Passover story and today's refugees The new HIAS Haggadah offers a deeper exploration of the global refugee crisis. It can be used as a whole or each part can be used as a stand-alone addition to a family or communal Seder. The Haggadah contains material written between 2016 and 2018, as well as new material and illustrations for Passover 2019.

    JUFJ: Immigrant Rights, Immigrant Roots
    This immigration-themed Haggadah from 2012 was made in collaboration with a long list of D.C.-area labor groups, who worked together to create a retelling of the Exodus story that is particularly relevant to the struggles of working people, and immigrants in America. It's probably the only Haggadah you will find with an incredibly detailed, full-page flowchart illustrating the complexities of legal immigration (page 11) or a detailed explanation of the Department of Homeland Security's "Secure Communities" program (pages 17 to 18). Despite being a few years old, this Haggadah feels especially apt for Passover 5777. Their version of the Ten Plagues, as they apply to immigration (pages 20 to 22) is especially powerful.

    Also see:

    LAist: Ten Of The Best Social Justice Haggadah Supplements For Your Seder Table

    VOANews: New York Mosque Hosts Passover Celebrations


    100:03. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?

    100:09. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

    100:10. What is freedom of religion?

    100:51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?

    100:55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

    100:58. What is one reason colonists came to America?

    100:76. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

    100:84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?

    100:95. Where is the Statue of Liberty?*

    100:100. Name two national U.S. holidays.

    U.S. Citizenship Resources for April: Taxes, Easter, Earth Day, and more! Come back for 2019 updates!


    Friday, April 19, 2019

    GOOD FRIDAY Faith-Based Immigration and Refugee Resources

    Cross at the Arizona/Mexico Border Photo Source
    Art Stations: Stations of the Cross
    Stations of the Cross has traveled across the world raising awareness for those in need of refuge.  The 2019 "Troubled Waters" Art Stations in the Netherlands focuses on the world-wide refugee crisis.

    DSJ: Stations of the Cross: The American Immigrant Experience (FIXED!)
    Via Cruces: La Experiencia de los Inmigrantes en Los Estados Unidos Based on the Scriptural Version of the Stations by Fr. Jon Pedigo, STL

    Daylesford Abbey: Stations of the Cross for Immigrants and Migrants
    When we pray the Stations, it is not for the purpose of undertaking an historical remembering of what occurred but to show us what is happening now – what is happening within each of us. The reason for praying the Stations of the Cross is to enter into the mystery of Jesus’ gift of himself for us – to experience his means of transforming suffering through love. (see their collection of themed-SOTC)

    Episcopalian Migration Ministries

    Our reflection authors represent a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds; each offers a poignant reflection on a Station and its relevance to migration and what it means to welcome the stranger as we would welcome Christ. Each reflection calls us back to our essential identity as beloved children of God and asks us to prayerfully reflect on the meaning of the Cross in a world being transformed by migration.

    Im/migration: Stations of the Cross
    The following series of stations was curated by Grace Commons during Lent 2012, contemplating each station through the lens of immigration and migration.

    The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) Holy week / Passover Resources 
    Coalition members work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educate faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country.
    Stations of the Cross EnglishSpanish

    JRUSA: The Jesuit Refugee Service Way of the Cross
    Christ calls us to keep watch. Let us accompany Jesus on this journey as we watch and pray over all that is going on with many of our sisters and brothers around the world. pdf

    Lenten worshippers admired the artwork exhibit created with sacred artifacts found along the U.S.-Mexico border

    Only In America Podcast with Ali Noorani: Bearing Witness Along the Border

    Ali’s guest is Beth Cossin, a network pastor with the Heritage Church in the Quad Cities in Iowa and Illinois. She is also site director for the Esperanza Legal Assistance Center in Moline, Illinois. Beth recently visited the southern border with fellow pastors from the Wesleyan Church.  She talks with Ali about bearing witness on the delegation trip to El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, the importance of sharing the stories of migrants and serving the underserved in her community.

    The Way of the Cross is directed towards those communities and people who are living the painful experience of migration and refugee status, to all who work with migrants and refugees in order to build a better world, a world without borders, and to all men and women of goodwill who wish to be involved in this noble task.

    Trocaire: Stations of the Cross: Reflections on war by Syrian Child Refugees
    Trócaire is delivering humanitarian assistance to those fleeing conflict and seeking refuge. Download and use our stations of the cross with reflections on war by Syrian child refugees.

    Hear the prayers which we pour forth to you, for the freedom of captives and the conversion of those who enslave them.

    More Faith-Based Immigration and Refugee Resources

    Beloved Community: Sanctuary
    Resources about the Sanctuary Movement.  Those who declare sanctuary, pledge to protect immigrant families who face workplace discrimination or unjust deportation.

    Catholic Relief Service: Ministry 
    Resources throughout the year related to justice for immigrants, refugees, and the marginalized.

    CLINIC: Praying the Rosary with Our Lady of Guadalupe and Tales of Immigrants - The Luminous Mysteries
    CLINIC invites you to join us in praying for dignity and justice for our immigrant sisters and brothers. Just as the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary shed light on an important aspect of Christ’s mission, we hope these reflections will shed light on some immigrant experiences.

    ESA: Immigration and Refugee Resources
    We propose a discussion based on the reality that immigrants (authorized or otherwise) are human beings made in the image of God.  Download ESA's Citizen Among Us: Loving the Immigrant as Ourselves, ESA’s free small group study guide on immigration

    IIC: Holy Days and Holidays Resources
    The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all human beings with dignity and respect. Coalition members work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educate faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country.

    Esperanza Immigration Legal Services
    Driven by the biblical mandate to serve the “least of these” (Matthew- 25:40), we strengthen Hispanic communities. We carry out this mission through a variety of programs and services that are all designed to empower people through education, housing and economic development, immigration legal services, job training and advocacy.

    LIRS: Be Not Afraid / No Temas 
    Be Informed materials to host a Know Your Rights session for immigrants in your community.

    Sojourners: Immigration: Welcoming the Stranger
    The United States is a nation of immigrants. Yet, our laws prevent immigrants from using their God-given gifts to improve communities and grow the economy. Through our work with the Interfaith Immigration Coalition and other partners, we are articulating the biblical witness for immigration reform, demonstrating the human cost of inaction, and encouraging our political leaders to take action. By working together, we believe the faith community has a historic opportunity to help create a road map to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans. who wish to fully integrate and contribute to the social fabric of our nation. 

    Thursday, April 18, 2019

    El Paso — Entry for Thousands of Undocumented Migrants

    VOANews: El Paso — Entry for Thousands of Undocumented Migrants

    U.S. Customs and Border Patrol continues to face difficulties in processing the large number of undocumented migrants who are entering the U.S. through El Paso, Texas. Voice of America accompanied border agents this week on one of their tours in which they detained several groups of Cuban and Central American migrants. For VOA, Celia Mendoza has more.

    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    On Ellis Island, a Wall Honors Immigrants Old and New

    VOANews: On Ellis Island, a Wall Honors Immigrants Old and New

    A wall on New York's Ellis Island that honors immigrants is almost at full capacity. To date, 770 panels are engraved with the names of almost 800,000 immigrants — including arrivals who never disembarked at Ellis Island. Ramon Taylor has the story.

    Tuesday, April 16, 2019

    Famous Proverbs from a Famous Man

    USCIS 100:68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

    VOA Learning English: Words and Their Stories: Famous Proverbs from a Famous Man (read the article)

    On today’s program, we talk about popular sayings, called proverbs. Many you will hear today come from a very famous person in American history -- Benjamin Franklin. (more)

    USCIS 100:68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

    ▪ U.S. diplomat
    ▪ oldest member of the Constitutional Convention
    ▪ first Postmaster General of the United States
    ▪ writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”
    ▪ started the first free libraries

    Monday, April 15, 2019

    Income Tax Day 2019

    Income Tax Day
    Here are fifteen citizenship questions from the N-400 and the USCIS Civics Test about taxes and our economic system. Happy Income Tax Day!

    * video: https://youtu.be/v7hXmof9a6s
    * mp3: http://goo.gl/zRqXYX
    * pdf: http://goo.gl/VfuJW2
    * Kahoot http://goo.gl/MmQgfx

    USCIS 100:56. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?*
    * April 15 

    Sunday, April 14, 2019

    Naturalization Ceremony, Knoxville, Tennessee

    CityOfKnox: Naturalization Ceremony, Knoxville, Tennessee Feb. 26, 2019

    At a special Naturalization Ceremony, Knoxville welcomed 126 new American citizens from 42 countries Feb. 26, 2019, at the City County Building in Downtown Knoxville. Enjoy these moments with some of our newest citizens following the Ceremony.

    Saturday, April 13, 2019

    Cherry Blossoms Put on Spectacular Show in Maryland Neighborhood

    VOANews: Cherry Blossoms Put on Spectacular Show in Maryland Neighborhood

    The famous cherry blossoms on the Tidal Basin in Washington are passing their peak, but others in the area are still blooming. VOA's Deborah Block takes us to a neighborhood in a Maryland suburb where about 1,000 blossoming trees put on quite a show.

    Friday, April 12, 2019

    Citizenship Resources for National Library Week

    See the original NLW 1958 poster
    In honor of Thomas Jefferson's Birthday (April 13, 1743), US Citizenship Podcast celebrates National Library Week 2019. Libraries help transform immigrants into newUScitizens-to-be by providing including study guides, cds/dvds, online courses, and ESL/Citizenship classes.  Learn more about US Citizenship at your local library!

    POP QUIZ Background:

    After the British burned U.S. capital to the ground (1814), Jefferson donated his personal library to the US government.  Jefferson's library became the core of the Library of Congress, the national library of the United States.

    POP QUIZ Civics Questions
              1. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.
              2. Name one branch or part of the government.*
              3. Who makes federal laws?
              4. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
              5. What is the capital of the United States?*

    USCIS.gov: Libraries
    Libraries play a critical role in serving immigrant communities. Through our joint effort with IMLS, we plan to educate librarians, and in turn their immigrant customers, on topics ranging from naturalization, the unauthorized practice of immigration law, and the importance of digital literacy.
    American Library Association: 
    Arlington TV: U.S. Naturalization Ceremony at Arlington VA Central Library (video)
    U. S. General Naturalization Ceremony held April 12, 2018 at the Arlington Central Library, Arlington, VA.

    Arlington County Library: Special US Naturalization - Arlington VA 
    with Deaf Performance of the Star Spangled Banner by Mayari Loza

    Burton Barr Library Youth Naturalization Ceremony 2012
    Phoenix area residents take the Oath of Allegiance and become U.S. citizens during a special ceremony at Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix. Members of the Library Teen Council facilitate the event.

    Hartford Public Library: The American Place (TAP) 
    HPL/TAP is a free program of Hartford Public Library designed to welcome immigrants and ease their transition into their new home city. TAP promotes Hartford’s shared civic values and its vibrant cultural multiplicity.  Check out HPL/TAP course: Citizenship on the Go.

    Folsom Library Helps Welcome New US Citizens
    The Folsom Library hosts the swearing in of 25 new US Citizens. This is the ninth year that the US Citizenship Immigration Services has partnered with the library to present this ceremony.

    200 New Citizens Take Oath At JFK Library
    Two hundred immigrants became American citizens at JFK Library in Boston. WBZ-TV's Ken MacLeod reports. Published on Feb 9, 2017.

    The Jones Library Study Guides for The Citizenship Test
    The Jones Library E.S.L. Center is an award winning program providing volunteer tutors, tutoring space, study materials, computer-assisted instruction, citizenship classes, English classes and referrals to adult immigrants in the Amherst area. Check out their pdf/audio study guides.

    The Kansas City Public Library: Naturalization Ceremony at Central Library
    On Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 about 110 applicants from 45 countries were sworn in as citizens of the United States.

    King County Library: Becoming a U.S. Citizen
    Learn how to become a U.S. Citizen and study for the naturalization test.

    Los Angeles Public Library - Community Member Testimonial by Sergio Sanchez
    I have always had a dream to one day become a citizen of the United States because this country opens doors for everyone who wants to be successful and build a family.  I am so grateful to the Los Angeles Public Library for helping me and my family reach our dreams.  The library helped me—and my wife—become citizens, it helped me improve my English, and it helped my son with his education so he could go to college to become a chemical engineer.

    Louisville Free Public Library (FaceBook post)
    On March 1, 2019, we welcomed 99 new American citizens from 35 home countries today at the Naturalization Ceremony!

    Pima Library: Welcome to America 
    Pima County Public Library recognizes, welcomes, and celebrates immigrants for their contributions to our shared success.   

    Otis Library: Naturalization Ceremony at Otis Library on April 13, 2018
    Otis Library leads in our community by hosting a Naturalization Ceremony for 19 New US Citizens from 13 different countries during National Library Week

    Salt Lake City Public Library's President's Day Naturalization Ceremony
    Salt Lake City welcomed 29 new citizens to the United States at the Downtown library, with remarks from President Obama and Mayor Biskupski.

    San Francisco Public Libraries Citizenship Resources
    Prepare for the USCIS naturalization interview with the helpful resources available in several languages at sfpl.org, including a guide to naturalization, detailed practice materials for the citizenship exam, and a list of local organizations that can help you with the naturalization process. Check out their SFPL multilingual citizenship videos.

    Schaumburg Library Citizenship Oath Ceremony
    See footage from a Citizenship Ceremony at the Schaumburg Library. Approximately 70 immigrants became new US citizens.

    West Irving Library Citizenship Classes (video)
    In a special class offered at the West Irving Library, some people are getting help in their quest to become U.S. citizens.

    Santa Clara County Library Citizenship Resources
    Prepare for U.S. citizenship with these helpful resources, including a guide to naturalization, detailed practice materials for the citizenship exam, and a list of web resources that can help you with the naturalization process.

    Thursday, April 11, 2019

    U.S. Citizenship Class 26, Spring 2019, Milpitas Adult School

    uscitizenpod: CA Adult Education Week and Legislative Day Quiz 2

    Civics (6:30-7:30 choral reading(7:30-7:45 break)
    Integration (7:45-8:45)

    Income Tax Day
    Here are fifteen citizenship questions from the N-400 and the USCIS Civics Test about taxes and our economic system. Happy Income Tax Day!