uscitizenpod: Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta
uscitizenpod: Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta
Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta started the United Farm Workers union, because farm workers did not have
"the legal right to organize and to vote for collective bargaining. They didn't have the right to have clean drinking water, access to portable toilets, lunch breaks, or short rest breaks during workdays. And they were not entitled to the minimum wage or unemployment insurance."
- Cesar Chavez Day resources from California Department of Education
- EL Civics Cesar Chavez Day
- ESL Library Cesar Chavez
- San Jose: César E. Chávez Memorial Walkway Workers website.
- Manythings.org: Listen and Read Along: Cesar Chavez
- ListenAndReadAlong: Biography - CC - Cesar Chavez - Hero of the Migrant Farm Workers Labor Union
- NPS: Cesar E. Chavez National Monument
- UFW: The Story of Cesar Chavez
- UFW: Cesar Chavez: Embrace the Legacy
- VOANews: Cesar Chavez Day in California - Reflecting on Immigration (2018)
USCIS 100:51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
- freedom of expression
- freedom of speech
- freedom of assembly
- freedom to petition the government
- freedom of worship
- the right to bear arms

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