Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Presidential Candidates Offer Stark Contrast on Immigration

VOANews: Presidential Candidates Offer Stark Contrast on Immigration

Immigration has become a big issue in the 2016 presidential campaign. There are stark contrasts between the policies of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. Lately, Trump has been softening his stance and is expected to solidify what that means in what's being called a "major immigration speech" on Wednesday. VOA’s Carolyn Presutti looks at how politics and policy drive each other.
Originally published at -

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Milpitas Adult School's Citizenship Class 05



  • "Holding the Bag" Chapter 2 and 3 by Ana Gianola
  • N-400 Casual Interview Quiz and Constitution quiz

Check Back for updates!

Previous Classes

Monday, August 29, 2016

USCIS: Avoid Payment Scams

USCIS: Avoid Payment Scams: USCIS Does Not Accept Fees By Phone or Email
Immigrants all over the country are being targeted in scams. Don’t be one of the victims! Scammers may call or email you, pretending to be a government official. They will say that there is a problem with an application or additional information is required to continue the immigration process. They will then ask for personal and sensitive details, and demand payment to fix any problems.

Remember, USCIS officials will never ask for payment over the phone or in an email. If we need payment, we will mail a letter on official stationery requesting payment.

If you receive a scam email or phone call, report it to the Federal Trade Commission at If you are not sure if it is a scam, forward the suspicious email to the USCIS Webmaster at USCIS will review the emails received and share with law enforcement agencies as appropriate.

Visit the Avoid Scams Initiative at for more information on common scams and other important tips. If you have a question about your immigration record, call customer service at 800-375-5283 or make an InfoPass appointment at

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Immigrants Help Immigrants at Health Care Center in Washington

USCIS 100: 55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

VOANews: Immigrants Help Immigrants at Health Care Center in Washington

As the political debate rages over U.S. immigration policy, those who are already in the United States face numerous challenges trying to find their way in a new culture. As VOA Executive Producer Linda Ringe discovered, the help immigrants give to each other is often the most effective. VOA's Carol Pearson narrates.
Originally published at -

USCIS 100: 55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? 

  • vote
  • join a political party
  • help with a campaign
  • join a civic group
  • join a community group
  • give an elected official your opinion on an issue
  • call Senators and Representatives
  • publicly support or oppose an issue or policy
  • run for office
  • write to a newspaper

Saturday, August 27, 2016

ESL Podcast 1230 – Expressing Disapproval of Elected Officials

ESL Podcast 1230 – Expressing Disapproval of Elected Officials 
Listen     Learning Guide
Download Podcast 
I’m voting for Clump this year for president. Learn who you should vote for in this episode. 


  • to vote
  • election
  • to make your voice heard 
  • represents
  • political agendas
  • reflect
  • elite
  • apathy
  • in the pockets of special interest groups
  • pork-barrel
  • platforms
  • stand for
  • lip service
  • public opinion
  • regular folks
  • silent protest
  • disaffected

Also check out:
ESLPod Blog: Your Guide to the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Series:

Also check out ESLPod: Introduction to the US  course

Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy Women's Equality Day!

19th amendment: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." The 19th amendment was ratified on Aug 18, 1920.

USCIS 100:48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.

▪ Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote).

▪ You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote.
▪ Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.)
▪ A male citizen of any race (can vote).

Check out more resources from Women's Suffrage and History from US Citizenship Podcast:

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Milpitas Adult School's Citizenship Class 04

N-400: A Basic Citizenship Interview based on the USCIS Revised N-400 (2pgs, 38 qs) (updated 06/12/2016)


  • "Holding the Bag" Chapter 2 and 3 by Ana Gianola
  • N-400 Basic Interview Quiz and Independence quiz

Check Back for updates!

Previous Classes:

US National Park Service Celebrates 100th Anniversary

VOANews: US National Park Service Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The U.S. national Park Service was created 100 years ago to protect and preserve America's national treasures.  Originally published at -

Milpitas Adult School's Citizenship Class 04

N-400: A Basic Citizenship Interview based on the USCIS Revised N-400 (2pgs, 38 qs) (updated 06/12/2016)


  • "Holding the Bag" Chapter 2 and 3 by Ana Gianola
  • N-400 Basic Interview Quiz and Independence quiz

Check Back for updates!

Previous Classes:

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New Citizenship Resources: August 2016

uscitizenpod: New Citizenship Resources: August 2016

USCIS Civics Playlist

CLINIC's Graphic Novel: Miguel's Naturalization Interview

ILRC: Annotated N-400 and Translations

Elizabeth Claire's Easy English News: The Constitution of the United States with a Side-by-Side Translation in Simple English

New Readers Press: News for You: 2016 Voting Guide

VOA Learning English: U.S. Elections 2016

US Citizenship Bootcamp: Exercises and Quizzes to Pass the Naturalization Interview by Jennifer Gagliardi (Author) is now available on:

and other ebook retailers for $2.99
Or ask you library to a order a copy for their ebook collection.447

FREE US Citizenship Podcast Apps

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Milpitas Adult School's Citizenship Class 03

N-400: Elementary Interview based on the Revised N-400 (21qs)

  • "Holding the Bag" Chapter 2 and 3 by Ana Gianola
  • N-400 Elementary Quiz  and Early American quiz

Check Back for updates!

Previous Classes:

    Monday, August 22, 2016

    12 Citizenship Study Tips from US CITIZENSHIP BOOTCAMP

    12 Citizenship Study Tips from US CITIZENSHIP BOOTCAMP   
    Listen to the mp3

    01. The USCIS N-400: Download the USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization from Fill it out. (Don't fill in your SSN on your practice copy). Study the questions, the key vocabulary, and your answers.

    02. USCIS Social Media: Follow and on Facebook and Twitter.

    03. The USCIS Citizenship Resource Center: Try all of the USCIS English and Civics tests resources at

    04. Flash Cards: Download the USCIS Civics and English flash cards. Review the citizenship vocabulary sets on Quizlet.

    05. Videos: Check out the new USCIS: Civics Playlist which has one video for each question. Follow-up by watching all the videos and take all the quizzes from Preparing for the Oath. Also look for videos of mock citizenship interviews on YouTube.

    06. Study-Buddy: Find a "study-buddy." Meet regularly. If you can't meet in person, use Skype or Facetime for 15 minutes every day. Ask each other the N-400 and civics questions.

    07. Citizenship Class: Go to a citizenship class at your local adult school, library, church, or community center. If there is no class, start a self-study group. Students learn more by talking and working with each other.

    08. Online Classes via your Library Card: Ask your local library for access to subscription databases that offer free online Citizenship classes via your library card. For example: Pronunciator's ProCitizen is similar to Preparing for the Oath; and Learning Express has Citizenship Classes in English and Spanish. Be careful: these online classes focus on the civics questions and you must also learn about the N-400.

    09. Family Literacy: Check out age-appropriate books and DVDs from the library about US history and civics and read or watch them with your kids. For adult and children’s books about the naturalization process, see SCCL’s Citizenship Resources.

    10. Family Fun: Take your kids to National Parks and local historical sites. While visiting the parks, look for Geocache treasures or Pokémon Go critters. Extend the fun by putting together jigsaw puzzles which feature great American landmarks such as the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, or maps of the Fifty States.

    11. More English! If you need more help with your English, check out the resources on VOA Learning English, Cambridge Ventures Arcade, or the uscitizenpod's Citizenship Resources. Or sign up for an ESL or English conversation class.

    12. US Citizenship Podcast: Check out my blog at every day for new citizenship resources. You can also download the free US Citizenship Podcast app for iPhone/iPad: or Android: or subscribe to the podcast via iTunes: and most importantly, practice the dialogues in this book.

    --excerpt from US Citizenship Bootcamp: Exercises and Quizzes to Pass the Naturalization Interview by Jennifer Gagliardi (Author)

    US Citizenship Bootcamp is available from:
    and other ebook retailers for $2.99
    Or ask you library to a order a copy for their ebook collection.

    Good Luck! I know that you will be a great American Citizen!

    Sunday, August 21, 2016

    Muslim Army Chaplain Seeks to Bridge Gaps Between Cultures

    VOANews: Muslim Army Chaplain Seeks to Bridge Gaps Between Cultures

    Republican Presidential Candidate Trump kicked up a media storm when he found himself in a feud with the family of a Muslim soldier who died fighting for his country. But hidden away from the spotlight, thousands of American Muslim soldiers, sailors and airmen are quietly serving their country. VOA Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb caught up with one of those men.
    Originally published at -

    Quick Quiz based on the VOANews Video: Muslim Army Chaplain Seeks to Bridge Gaps Between Cultures

    1. USCIS 100:What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?*
    2. USCIS 100:10. What is freedom of religion?
    3. USCIS 100:32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
    4. USCIS 100:41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
    5. USCIS 100:53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
    6. USCIS 100:51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
    7. USCIS 100:57. When must all men register for the Selective Service?
    8. USCIS 100:86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?
    9. USCIS 100:94. What is the capital of the United States?*
    10. USCIS 100: 100. Name two national U.S. holidays.

    Friday, August 19, 2016

    US Citizenship Bootcamp is now available on the Amazon Kindle!

    US Citizenship Bootcamp: Exercises and Quizzes to Pass the Naturalization Interview
    by Jennifer Gagliardi (Author)
    is now available on the Amazon Kindle!
    Price: $2.99

    Prepare for the US Citizenship interview by completing a series of ten interviews based on the USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (released 03/26/16 and expires 03/31/19). The first interview includes ten basic questions in Simple English that represents the N-400 sections 1 through 12; the subsequent interviews expand on these questions and gradually introduce new vocabulary and grammar patterns. Paired with each interview are ten questions from the USCIS Civics and History questions plus reading and dictation sentences. Also included are a ESL/Citizenship resource list, links to Citizenship mp3s and videos, a special chapter entitled "How to Study for Your Citizenship Interview," and more! Updated 08/13/2016 with 2 new interviews, resources, and answer key.


    A Quick Overview of the Naturalization Process
    Five Steps; Prepare and submit the N-400; What happens after I submit the N-400? The Naturalization Interview; The Oath of Allegiance Ceremony

    How to Study for Your Citizenship Interview
    12 Tips about how to study for your Citizenship Interview

    Before You Begin: Seven Questions about Exemptions and Accommodations
    Keywords: Exemption, Accommodations, Physical Disability

    Interview 1 Five N-400 Questions and Five Civics Questions
    Keywords: Name, Permanent Resident, Married to a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Constitution.

    Interview 2 Ten N-400 Questions and Five Civics Questions
    Keywords: Full Name, Date and Country of Birth, Home Address, Work, Travel, Marital Status, Children, Part 12—Additional Information

    Interview 3 Fifteen N-400 Questions and Six Civics Questions
    Keywords: Immigration Status, Home Address, Work, Travel, Marital Status, Claim, Taxes, Arrested

    Interview 4 Twenty N-400 Questions and Six Civics Questions
    Keywords: Eligibility, Current and Previous Home Address, Claimed and Vote, Taxes, Crime, Attachment to the Constitution

    Interview 5 Twenty-five N-400 Questions and Six Civics Questions
    Keywords: Eligibility, Legal Name, Origins, Travel, Claim, Vote, Taxes, Crime, Deported, Attachment to the Constitution

    Interview 6 Thirty Questions and Seven Civics Questions
    Keywords: Claim, Vote, Taxes, Terrorism, Crime, Deported, Bear Arms, Non-combatant, National Emergency

    Interview 7 Thirty-five Questions and Eight Civics Questions
    Keywords: Country and Port of Entry, Work, Trips outside of the U.S., Nobility, Legally Incompetent, Terrorism, Habitual Drunkard and Illegal Drugs, Illegal Gambling

    Interview 8 Forty Questions and Eight Civics Questions
    Keywords: Financial Support, Marital Status, Spouse, and Ex-Spouse, Children, The Constitution and the U.S. Form of Government, Oath of Allegiance, Bear Arms, Non-combatant, Work of National Importance

    Interview 9 Forty-five Questions and Nine Civics Questions
    Keywords: Hurt or Kill on Purpose, Military Service, Work in a Prison, Gang, Weapons, Military or Weapons Training, Child Soldiers, Selective Service, U.S. Armed Forces

    Interview 10 Fifty Questions and Ten Civics Questions
    Keywords: Introduction and "Small Talk", Oath to Tell the Truth, Eligibility, Name, Origin, Request for Accommodation or Exemption, Home Address, Job, Travel, Marital Status and Children, Intro to Part 12, Membership, Crime, Attachment to the Constitution

    Review of the New USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization
    N-400 section and question topics.

    Interview Clarification Questions
    Anna must ask many clarification questions in a noisy USCIS office.

    The Reading and Writing Tests
    50 reading and writing sentences based on the USCIS Reading and Writing Vocabulary lists.

    Ten Multiple-Choice Civics Quizzes
    Organized by theme.

    Quiz Answer Key
    Full sentence answers to the Ten Multiple-Choice Quizzes

    Internet Citizenship Resources
    15 USCIS Quick Links; ESL, Citizenship, Civics, and History Resources

    US Citizenship Bootcamp is also available on:

    VOA Learning English: Let's Learn English Lesson 25 Speaking Practice

    VOA Learning English: Let's Learn English Lesson 25 Speaking Practice

    In this video, you can learn how to pronounce the new words and use the word "should" to give advice.

    • Americana
    • bald eagle
    • build /built
    • be careful
    • catch / caught
    • Declaration of Independence
    • find / found
    • flag
    • Independence Day
    • memory
    • ought to
    • point
    • scavenger hunt
    • should
    • Statue of Liberty
    • symbol
    • Uncle Sam
    • watch out
    • American Presidents
    • Thomas Jefferson
    • Making Recommendations Using "Should"

    Thursday, August 18, 2016

    Milpitas Adult School's Citizenship Class 02

    Preparing for Naturalization 

    N-400: Easy Interview based on the Revised N-400 (15qs)


    • "Holding the Bag" Chapter 2 by Ana Gianola
    • N-400 Quiz 2 and Geography quiz

    Check Back for updates!

    Previous Classes:

      Wednesday, August 17, 2016

      News for You 2016 Voting Guide

      News for You 2016 Voting Guide

      This guide explains why every vote counts.  It describes a voter's rights and responsibilities plus the U.S. election process.  An excellent resource! FREE PDF!

      Check out more from News for You by New Readers Press.

      Tuesday, August 16, 2016

      Monday, August 15, 2016

      A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of India and Pakistan Independence Day

      Updated 2016 with corrections and a bonus question!  This quiz is dedicated to my Indian and Pakistanti citizenship students in thanksgiving for their love and encouragement.  A special dedication goes out to my SJSU MATESOL professor, Dr B. Kumaravadivelu, who challenged me to learn from my students and reflect on the deeper questions citizenship and hybrid culture.

      Sunday, August 14, 2016

      Saturday, August 13, 2016

      People in America: Maz Jobrani: Building Cultural Bridges, One Laugh at a Time

      VOA Learning English: People in America: Maz Jobrani: Building Cultural Bridges, One Laugh at a Time

      “Maz” Jobrani is an Iranian-American comedian and actor who loves to make people laugh. His comedy draws on his personal life as well as a comic's role in challenging stereotypes — especially when it comes to Middle Eastern Muslims in America. Originally published at -

      VOA Learning English: About People in America

      Artists. Public servants. Immigrants. Philosophers. Innovators. One who stuttered is now a public speaker. Another paints a canvas that breathes and moves. This is the new look of "People in America" -- a VOA Learning English video series that updates our earlier historical biographies.

      Our People in America (PIA) tells the stories of living Americans from all corners of the globe. They might surprise you with their thoughts and philosophies. And how they personify democracy, self-sufficiency, expression and community.

      With each PIA we offer a fun way to test what you have learned. Try our multiple-choice quiz or interactive graphics. Practice to see how well you understood what you viewed. Follow along with our reading and listening material. Return to the video and watch it again.

      Friday, August 12, 2016

      Citizenship Summer 2016: U. S. Citizenship Teachers

      U. S. Citizenship Teachers

      This site is designed as a place where teachers of U.S. citizenship classes can download and exchange resources such as powerpoints, and printable activities (worksheets, games, and more).  Email

      Thursday, August 11, 2016

      Exercising Takes Monumental Turn at US Landmarks

      VOANews: Exercising Takes Monumental Turn at US Landmarks

      More and more fitness addicts are adding the health benefits of being outside to their daily workout. And, as VOA's Alexa Lamanna tells us, exercising outside at one of America's historic landmarks adds a certain energy you won't find in a regular gym.
      Originally published at -

      Tuesday, August 9, 2016

      Ensuring the Fairness of US Elections

      VOANews: Ensuring the Fairness of US Elections

      In this tumultuous U.S. election season, both the left and the right have raised questions about the integrity of the American voting system. VOA’s Steve Baragona has a look at how local election officials make sure citizens' votes count.
      Originally published at -

      Sunday, August 7, 2016

      This Is A Tour Of The West Wing (In Sign Language) This Is A Tour Of The West Wing (In Sign Language)

      West Wing Receptionist Leah Katz-Hernandez narrates a tour of the West Wing in American Sign Language, visiting the West Wing Lobby, the West Colonnade, the Rose Garden, the White House Press Briefing Room, the Cabinet Room, the Oval Office, and more. A version with full audio description will be posted this week!

      Saturday, August 6, 2016

      Citizenship Summer 2016: APALC:Citizenship 101 Your Guide to Citizenship

      Asian Pacific American Legal Ctr Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (2009-2010)

      Advancing Justice - LA’s 45-minute instructional video, Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship, covers everything you need to know to become an American citizen, from determining your eligibility to completing the application to preparing for your interview and citizenship exam.  The video is available in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese

      An accompanying workbook is available in English

      TEACHER JENNIFER'S NOTE: These videos are older (some of the info is outdated), but still contain valuable info and have some interesting mock interviews.

      APALC on Vimeo

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (CANTONESE)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (ENGLISH)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (HINDI)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (KOREAN)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (MANDARIN)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (TAGALOG)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship (VIETNAMESE)

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship: Interview of unprepared applicant

      Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship: Interview w/ translator

      Friday, August 5, 2016

      Lifelong Refugee Finally Has a Country to Call his Own

      VOANews: Lifelong Refugee Finally Has a Country to Call his Own

      The United Nations estimates that there are more than 45 million refugees worldwide. Until recently, Awadh Alsrya was one of them. The lifelong refugee from a war that happened a decade before he was born finally has a country to call his own. VOA's June Soh has more on his journey. Faith Lapidus narrates.

      Wednesday, August 3, 2016

      Citizenship Summer 2016: ProLiteracy: Citizenship Collection with Lynn Weintraub

      ProLiteracy: Citizenship Collection with Lynn Weintraub and friends

      Citizenship Collection
      This collection of resources will help you design and implement instruction to help immigrants pass the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Naturalization Test, often called the "Citizenship Test."

      Online Courses
      These three free online courses will help you understand the different components of the citizenship test and how they are administered; and give you teaching strategies and activities to successfully prepare students to pass the test.
      You can print these lessons and use them in your classroom to help students understand the steps to becoming a citizen and provide practice with the test formats and vocabulary.
      Print Resources
      You can use these print resources to guide you through the process of starting a citizenship class, or to guide students through the process of becoming a citizen.
      You can listen to these two podcasts to learn some engaging teaching strategies to help students learn citizenship content.
      Student Interactives
      These online interactive activities can familiarize students with the process for becoming a U.S. citizen and can help them practice for the reading and writing portions of the test.